
"I'm just a girl, tryinng to find a place in this world” -Taylor Swift

February 25, 2012

Ryeowook Wisuda dari Inha University

Ryeowook(26) from group Super Junior is now one of number of idols who graduated from college.

According to an acquaintance of Ryeowook, he will graduate on February 24 with a major in Theater and Cinema.

Artists from SM Entertainment will attend the 2011 Inha University graduation ceremony at 2 pm to congratulate Ryeowook on his graduation.

In 2006, Ryeowook was accepted as a Theater and Cinema major in the department of Arts and physical Education. He has been managing his work and studies at the same time.

IndoTrans :

Ryeowook (26) member dari grup Super Junior menjadi salah satu idol yang telah lulus dari perguruan tinggi.

Menurut seorang kenalan dari Ryeowook, dia akan lulus pada 24 Februari di jurusan Teater dan Cinema.

Artis dari SM Entertainment akan menghadiri upacara wisuda Universitas Inha pada jam 2 siang untuk mengucapkan selamat Ryeowook atas kelulusannya

Pada tahun 2006, Ryeowook diterima sebagai mahasiswa jurusan Teater dan Cinema di Fakultas Seni dan Pendidikan. Dia telah mengatur waktu untuk bekerja dan belajar di waktu yang sama.

sumber : Sujuisme.blogspot.com
IndoTrans : by Me : Bibah113

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